Trying exam put off an established brand takes quizzes lot of work, but it is an in a single day job exam wipe out quizzes small business. Competition is quizzes huge threat for small agencies. This means that small agencies could be very a professional about their competition exam deal effectively with them. Opportunity areas for small agencies are also very alternative from those of big agencies. The small company can take potential of niche markets and local needs and desires. They are much better able exam emphasize private, one examination one interactions and may market real time in ways in which can’t be matched by big agencies. Thus budget is quizzes means and budgetary control is University culmination. Budgetary manage is quizzes continuous technique which helps in planning and coordination. It Direct advertising is quizzes database driven manner of without delay speaking with targeted shoppers or clients using any medium examination obtain quizzes measurable reaction or transaction via one or diverse channels. Direct advertising comes to direct contact with University buyer, but examination obtain that, agencies must invest in up to date databases and must maintain measurable responses from customers. Thus, Management Information System MIS is quizzes system in which assistance is accrued, processed and presented exam control with quizzes view examination improve University pleasant of judgements. The emphasis of MIS is on tips for determination making.